Can anyone tell me where the ground wire on the breaker plate is and how it is attached to ground it to the distributor? Is there a schematic out there with that detail? I have it apart and no sign of it. I called Standard Ignition after ordering their ground wire from Napa and they had no idea where it went in the distributor. The Studie shop manual shows a Autolite illustration but shows no ground wire!!???Have tried all previous suggestions and it appears all roads lead to the ground.
Hope I can send the pictures of the coil and distributor setup.
I have a 62 Hawk GT with an Autolite distributor IBD 4108 12S Studie manual says this is ok on the 289 v8 I have.
The resistor ballast on top of the coil is part#1931648 DR 5MF. Can't identify ,parts store said it might be Standard Ignition, no luck finding that either. All items have been changed,
came from Studie Int. except resistor on coil, generic I have power to the coil and then on to the points. Power to negative and positive terminals of the coil all the time, the points are gapped at .16 I can take a screwdriver and get sparks when I ground the points or condenser to any part of the distributor case. Can't get a spark across points and the negative terminal of coil is positive even when the points are closed. Hope the pictures will tell a thousand words. The car worked with the setup as pictured. Any suggestions are appreciated. Many thanks.
Hope I can send the pictures of the coil and distributor setup.
I have a 62 Hawk GT with an Autolite distributor IBD 4108 12S Studie manual says this is ok on the 289 v8 I have.
The resistor ballast on top of the coil is part#1931648 DR 5MF. Can't identify ,parts store said it might be Standard Ignition, no luck finding that either. All items have been changed,