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Critique the Tacoma international

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  • Critique the Tacoma international

    All the members of the Central Washington chapter thatattended the Tacoma meet got together and critiqued the event, both the goodsand the bads. We wrote down what we liked and what we didn't like and made suggestionson what we think could be improved in the future. This will be provided to ourzone director to do with as he sees fit. I suggest that others do the same andlet the board know what the members think and want. Otherwise they can only dowhat they want and like. It is ok to put ideas on this board but it will domore good to get it directly to the board members.
    '49 2R15 Flatbed
    '56 Golden Hawk
    '62 GT Hawk
    '63 Champ 8E 12

  • #2
    Why not post your critique here for all to read? IF it is an honest assessment of the meet, you cannot be ashamed to post it and allow other members to add/comment on your thoughts. Just a thought. stupak


    • #3
      Many cars that were judged through the week were not on the show field on Saturday. Should be a day when all the cars attending are available for viewing. Shuttle between the two principal facilities was not the best. Best Western had generally very poor service. Of course some of these issues were out of the hands of the host chapter. Proximity to swap meet, show field and museum were a plus.
      Richard Quinn
      Editor emeritus: Antique Studebaker Review


      • #4
        Originally posted by Studebaker Wheel View Post
        Many cars that were judged through the week were not on the show field on Saturday. Should be a day when all the cars attending are available for viewing. Shuttle between the two principal facilities was not the best. Of course some of these issues were out of the hands of the host chapter. Proximity to swap meet, show field and museum were a plus.
        Agree with Dick's comment above. Did not stay at the BW, so cannot comment on that. I know that finding a venue with enough rooms, big enough parking lot, suitable space for the concours, and nearby tourist sites is nearly impossible. And the drive-through judging is a good idea. But if you judge the day before the concours, then you reduce the impetus to show your car on the field. Not sure there's a solution to that.

        The Tacoma dome was a good site for the flea market and concours, and the proximity to the LeMay Museum was a wonderful bonus.
        Skip Lackie


        • #5
          The comment about the meet that I most received was the compact schedule. Arriving on Tuesday late, I was not able to pickup my meet package until Wednesday morning before a meeting at 8 am. Next meeting was at 2pm so by 4pm Wednesday, meetings ended. Left to go to the Tacoma dome for swap meet that time ended at 5pm Thursday more meetings one on top of the other and meeting had to end on time so the next meeting could take place in the same room. Went back to the swap meet. Friday, did not have a car to be judged so the one event I did attend was the Lemay Collection. I did meet my brother in the area for that tour.

          Others that gave me feedback that were at the meet was the compact schedule. They echoed that some tours could not be taken as there were conflicts. Some told me to have the extra day just to catch their breath would have been nice.

          I will echo Skip's thought:" I know that finding a venue with enough rooms, big enough parking lot, suitable space for the concours, and nearby tourist sites is nearly impossible." Let me add to that as well: Getting the volunteers to help. Denny Fouts was constantly asking for people to help in various jobs. This is something everyone needs to consider.

          Bob Miles
          Pacific Southwest Zone Coordinator 2018-2020


          • #6
            As far as having vehicles judged and then not having them on the show field, to me the easy solution is to not give awards/trophies to those that do not display their vehicles on the show field for a minimum number of hours (pre-set, stated minimum hours).
            Gary L.
            Wappinger, NY

            SDC member since 1968
            Studebaker enthusiast much longer


            • #7
              The things being talked about here are in line with what we talked about. The suggestion about the awards is a good one. Another, and I heard this at the meet on the last day also, was this year even more than at most internationals, there seemed to be three separate meets that just happened to be at the same place. Over half of our chapter that attended drove Avantis and they were the most vocal about the Avantis sort of separating themselves. And a lot of them left after the Avanti awards were handed out. For me, I would like to see the show on the last day and go back to the awards banquet after, including the Avantis and Antiques. Why are there two separate judging for the Avantis, the Avanti club and the Studebaker club? Sounds like I am picking on the Avanti club but I am not, these things were brought up by the Avanti members. Please send your likes and dislikes to your Zone Director. If you don't tell then you are not, they think you are happy.
              '49 2R15 Flatbed
              '56 Golden Hawk
              '62 GT Hawk
              '63 Champ 8E 12


              • #8
                After all these decades of doing International Meets, how on earth can the SDC not have some sort of agenda or checklist of how this is supposed to go on? They seem to control almost everything else related to the SDC with a tight grip, but not this?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sals54 View Post
                  After all these decades of doing International Meets, how on earth can the SDC not have some sort of agenda or checklist of how this is supposed to go on? They seem to control almost everything else related to the SDC with a tight grip, but not this?
                  That's because it got changed from five days to three days, which I don't like, either.



                  • #10
                    Copied from another thread:
                    Home Depot has a terrific propaganda/indoctrination program where kids are concerned. They have many "free" build projects where parents can take their kids, which are making birdhouses, shelves, wall hangers, etc.The kids can take them home for Mommy or Daddy or Grandma or Grandpa to show off the new found skills. Home Depot is actually creating the next generation of shoppers.
                    It's brilliant marketing.
                    Why can we not copy that model for Studebakers? Tables could be set up with plastic models for kids to build, or nicely done drawings for them to color, or even have photos taken of the kids with their favorite car which could be printed right on site for them to take home? Or what about some interactive games for them to play on their smart phones which incorporate Studebaker cars or model types or other related Studebaker trivia?
                    I can't possibly be the first person to think of something like this. What else are we doing to keep the flame alive? Is the SDC so broke that they don't have a nickel to invest in the next generation?
                    Or is that simply left to chance? Well, chance is failing miserably.
                    Everyone who ever bought a Studebaker "brand new" is now in their 70s or 80s. How much longer can the show go on? 5 more years and the membership will be winnowed down by half or worse.


                    • #11
                      People who think this is going to go on forever are not paying attention to what is happening around them. In a very few years there will be many cities that will not allow gasoline or diesel powered vehicles on their streets. Passenger cars at first, then trucks when electric trucks are available. Legislators in California have already tried to pass statewide legislation banning cars built before emissions controls were introduced. My opinion is that we are living in the last days of the old car hobby. By all means, drive them and enjoy it while you can.

                      Regarding the meet in Tacoma, it was my first and probably last Studebaker meet, and I enjoyed it. I only went on Saturday, and was pleasantly surprised at how well my car was received. I enjoy showing it to people who might glean some useful ideas from the unusual things we did. I know some people seem to attach a lot of importance to having their car judged. If they then do not wish to show their car, I can see no benefit to punishing them for that. People with really nice cars will usually want to show them. I certainly saw a lot of beautiful cars on Saturday.
                      Trying to build a 48 Studebaker for the 21st century.
                      See more of my projects at


                      • #12
                        I probably have no authority to respond, but I think that some things have to be said to get this discussion back on track. I am a member of both Seattle and Tacoma chapts. of the SDC and Antique club. Several years ago when it was decided to put in a bid for the Inl. it was not universally popular. Actually it was two good friends of ours who initially got the ball rolling. Their primary interest is in Avanti. For some of us it was as though we were simply swept along as though we were being carried along like we were body surfing. There was no going back even if some of us might have wanted to.

                        Members of the three Puget Sound chapts of the SDC had meetings regarding venue and activities. We needn't have bothered, because we had almost no input on anything related to the meet. We were told that it would be our meet and the the National was to be there to help. In reality much of the process was directed by the National SDC and the venue set, without discussion, by our Regional Director. One day we were told that the Seattle and Tacoma chapts would be in charge of doing the work, and that the meet would be held in it's location, in the proximity, of the "America's Car Museum, and told the dates that it would be held. In essence we were told now shut up, get out there and get crack-in, we'll be watching. So Sal you're out of touch with reality, the SDC has everything scripted. If you have questions on comments address them to Denny Faust and the national committee.

                        For many years I have promoted many of the changes to the International meet. I thought the club had lost touch with what the members needed and wanted. I'm happy that the club finally surveyed the members to find out what was important to them. Some of the desires of members have become procedural norms. One of these was moving the show to Saturday, but part of the idea was to make it an open event for the community in which it's being held. I thought that the event was to be an open event, open to all who wanted to show their car. I was dumbfounded when I found the day of the show, that not only was the event never to have been an open event, but in addition some of the cars that had been judged earlier in the week, had been turned away because they had not registered for the show. So Dick, yes I think that it should be an obligation of the owner who has his car judged to make a show on Saturday, but it was also inappropriate to shut out some owners who had been judged, because the didn't understand the rules.

                        I take no credit for any part of the meet. I pushed back against the lack of input and basically abdicated all my implied obligations. The leadership from Denny Faust was invaluable. James Bell set up the venue and communicated with the museum. But I shutter to think of this meet without the tireless efforts of BOB BRYANT. He sustained from planning to the to last day of the meet. He sustained in spite of politics when I'm sure it would have been easier to walk. He filled the voids and did everything necessary to connect the dots. With the guidance of Denny Faust he meant everything to it's success.

                        I was sorry to hear that the AOIA was severing itself from the rest of the Studebaker world. Anyone have any insights? I also wonder why some of the usual regulars were no shows? This is your chance to help fine tune a changing process. I think that it's an important next step to insuring the meet's continues viability.-Bill


                        • #13
                          I don't like the shortened event schedule either. I can understand if someone doesn't have the energy or the resources for a long event, but the rest that do should have that chance. The Antique club added an additional day for touring. I think that Sunday could have been used for such a tour day. Sal much of what you talk about has been tried previously, from valve cover races to interactive events but the kids have just vanished. They are just different today.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 8E45E View Post
                            That's because it got changed from five days to three days, which I don't like, either.


                            Thank you for your comments on the International Meet, but, before anyone takes your comment as "THE WORD", I'd like to clarify that our meet is 4
                            days and NOT 3. Activity picks-up on Tuesday, when Registration pick-up begins, and ends on Saturday afternoon with the Car Show, following the awarding of trophies. Activity typically finished by late afternoon on Saturday. Saturday IS the perfect day for the Car Show and exposure of our Studebakers to the public, don't you think?

                            Follow the Agenda for an International Meet the last two years we have been on the 4-day schedule, and you will note (in comparison to our former 5-day meet), that only Fun Night is missing. It was a filler for the day while paper judging sheets were being tallied. That no longer takes place.

                            I'm always happy to hear your positive or negative comments at

                            Denny Foust, SDC International Meet Chairman.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by stupak View Post
                              Why not post your critique here for all to read? IF it is an honest assessment of the meet, you cannot be ashamed to post it and allow other members to add/comment on your thoughts. Just a thought. stupak
                              Please offer your comments here IF you were in attendance at the meet.

