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I love a parade !!

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  • I love a parade !!

    I've been admonished to not mix politics and Studebakers. To that I respond BS. They are both my passions... I care not on this board whether you agree with my politics but reporting that I use my Champ for political objectives forwards the cause of both and should serve as motivation to others to allow politics to promote and display their unique vehicles. I realize that my comments to this effect may have offended a few by the mere mention of the name of a candidate.. I would simply suggest that those Politically Correctness police simply grow a thicker skin. This is not the place to argue policy or positions nor my intent. But really!!! To report that I used my vehicle in a campaign for a named candidate doesn't approach an argument of issues.

    That off my chest, I fitted the Champ with a $35 investment in 2 inverted T 2x3 frames, connected with a piece of composition board, faced with candidate 4 x 8 road signs. It went to 15 parades and events last year carrying the banner of my Presidential candidate drawing "WOWS" for both the vehicle and candidate, 850+ horn honks and likely more than 10,000 pictures.

    This year the sign board graces a school board candidate's signs and has seen a mere 3 parades. However, as we go on an active door to door campaign it will be parked at the entrance to every subdivision we canvas and it will be seen various parked in visible locations during many rush hours.

    Plans are underway for next year and I'm really excited about them.

    Yesterday was another parade and lots of pictures and questions about the vehicle. It is only through display of the product that old nostalgia and new appreciation for the uniqueness of Studebakers is accomplished. And, I can think of no better opportunity for that visibility than a parade where the viewer is forced to sit and stare at the passing unit for 10 to 30 seconds while the son is asking, "What kind of car is that Daddy"?

    As for politics, you may not get or be in to politics, but politics ignored will only get you. Be it "cash for clunkers" that cleared a lot of potential parts cars and made restoration incrementally more difficult, efforts to ban cars over a given age, ethanol or emissions or safety requirements imposed, POLITICS AND YOUR PASSION ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE!

    I simply encourage taking advantage of political opportunities to offer services of your prize Stude to a candidate of your choice for parades or other events that provide exposure of our unique piece of history and indirectly enhance the value of our assets.

  • #2
    Will I've had a stomach full of this ridiculous political correctness what you use your truck for is your business no one else's.


    • #3
      Completely agree. It amazes me how childish people can be about politics, especially here.

      I will never understand how words typed on some internet forum can get people worked up. Don't like what somebody wrote? So what? How does it affect your life? Answer: It doesn't.

      What tends to happen is, those on the wrong side try selling their views. When they are successfully refuted, they throw a fit. Then the leadership scrambles to slap down members even though they're right, to appease those who cannot win in the arena of ideas. And, it's done under the guise of "Boo hoo, this isn't a collection of real people, it's only automatons who happen to be drawn to Studebakers, and if we aren't holding hands and singing the Hallelujah chorus every second, the world will surely end!!!". I don't buy that.

      One way somebody could go is to think, 'Well, I can respect a person's well thought out and articulated position- and his willingness to stand for same- even if I don't agree with his conclusions; so he states his case, I stated mine, and now the reader can choose who they agree with and we will move along as friends.' Instead, the minority chooses to work themselves into a lather and hide their inability to prove their case behind a hissy fit. And the world, including this forum, cannot wait to accomodate them. That makes no sense.

      I can't imagine anyone wants to fight with fellow enthusiasts. And, nobody wants to lose friends over something so small as politics. I know I don't. But some of us feel obliged to stand up for what's right. It's called 'Principle'. So what is a conscientious person to do? We are stuck. But I know I'll stand up for what's right- every time. And if that means being ostracized from a club I have love for, so be it. And no amount of pasted links supporting wrong positions will change that.

      How politics is handled on this forum is decided by others, as it should be. It's OK by me. I spend more online time at other sites that are more adult about such things. It's a big world out there!

      Mmagic- Keep up the good fight. And, God Bless.
      Proud NON-CASO

      I do not prize the word "cheap." It is not a badge of is a symbol of despair. ~ William McKinley

      If it is decreed that I should go down, then let me go down linked with the truth - let me die in the advocacy of what is just and right.- Lincoln


      Ephesians 6:10-17
      Romans 15:13
      Deuteronomy 31:6
      Proverbs 28:1

      Illegitimi non carborundum


      • #4
        Quote: "I can't imagine anyone wants to fight with fellow enthusiasts. And, nobody wants to lose friends over something so small as politics. I know I don't. But some of us feel obliged to stand up for what's right. It's called 'Principle'. So what is a conscientious person to do? We are stuck. But I know I'll stand up for what's right- every time. And if that means being ostracized from a club I have love for, so be it. And no amount of pasted links supporting wrong positions will change that."

        That some up the problem in a nutshell. What's "right" for you, is not for about half the country, and thus we have a problem reaching a agreement. As to using a Studebaker in supporting the candidate that you agree with, I'm all for that. Voting in your "right" gal or guy solves the problem at least until the next election.
        JDP Maryland


        • #5
          Is this parade gonna be on IDYSD?

          StudeDave '57
          StudeDave '57
          US Navy (retired)

          3rd Generation Stude owner/driver
          SDC Member since 1985

          past President
          Whatcom County Chapter SDC
          San Diego Chapter SDC

          past Vice President
          San Diego Chapter SDC
          North Florida Chapter SDC

